Posts Tagged ‘ transparency ’

The Future of PR – the brand You

This video was made in 2007 and for the last two minutes advises PR professionals how to start entering the online world of transparency.

Watching the video all I could think is…well yeh, of course… which goes to show how quickly everything’s moving in the world of PR. It’s a demonstration of how important it is to try and stay one step ahead of the game because in 2010 you don’t just need to have uploaded a piece of video to YouTube, you need to have a blog a twitter, a flickr, and everything else in between – the fun thing about it is how much freedom there now is to experiment, to create what you want to create and give it ago. Unless you get it completely wrong it’s only going to reflect well on you.

The point is that you as an individual and a professional, become a transparent, well represented brand.