Posts Tagged ‘ jane bagnall ’

Pinterest drives more traffic that Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn!

Pinterest drives more traffic that Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn!

Interesting, very interesting.

I love the fact that this is what social media does. The high volume of traffic is actually referral traffic – people coming to the sight from somewhere else (a click through – either from an email, an article like this one or a stranger’s blog).

That’s the whole point of sites like these, and the sites that have taken off in the last couple of years (Twitter is a prime example). It’s viral, people want to be ahead of the curve, or at least with the curve. I’ve just requested an invitation to join myself!

Olympus embrace social media

The project is simple – and it’s the simple plans that are always the best. Give 1000 social media users, bloggers and photographers each one of the new Olympus Pen Ready cameras – give them a range of sites and tools that allow them to upload and share the pictures they take and hey presto – word spreads. With 1000 people Tweeting, Facebooking and blogging their pictures – not to mention using instagram – Olympus have reached a much bigger audience of second, third and random connections without it costing more than a camera and the postage.

I first found out about the Olympus Pen Ready Project on Tumblr – where I have a blog for my own fun. I use Tumblr to follow random people – people who post videos and pictures they like – and if I like them too I follow. So while I’m a connection I find myself reading stories from the US, Australia, Japan and the UK. It’s one of my US followees taking part in the project that first alerted me to it.

Olympus have a Pen Ready project blog on Tumblr – but they also utilise Flickr, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook – they know their audience and they’re using the social media that works for their target and for their product and project.

I think this is a genius campaign that shows Olympus to be in touch with modern technology and a modern audience.

And I’m just keeping my eyes peeled to see when they bring the project over to the UK (HINT HINT).

Poor crisis response…grrr

So yes… everyone’s talking about it, well lots of people in my office (I sit in the IT section). SonyPlaystation Network – what a shame.

But I’m not here to have a go at them for not doing enough to protect their users’ data (mine included, so I do have a right to have an opinion) this is a PR blog.

No, what I’m here for is to have a go at them for their handling of the matter.

In today’s world of immediate news, social networking and two way communication who on earth told Sony that it’s OK to respond to a crisis situation by responding with ‘No Comment’?!

OK, so they have actually released a bit more information than that now – 6 maybe 7 days later – but it’s too late. The information that they’ve released is so watery that the 70million* users affected don’t know whether to panic or shrug their shoulders….and it’s inevitable that when faced with the option of panic or brushing something off the majority of people will err on the side of caution and start to worry. Worry leads to anger, leads to vocalisation of fears, leads to a hell of a lot of bad publicity – more than enough bad publicity to drown out the weak whispers of we think hackers may have stolen this… we’ll rebuild the network…sometime.

The point is that this is a massive screw up. Yes Sony’s credibility and reputation has taken a huge hit– but peoples’ personal information, not to mention their faith in Sony, has also been abused.

So act like you give a toss about those people Sony, not yourselves.

I think, at the very least, a vague attempt to communicate should be made. Apologise, assure people – firmly and calmly – that you’re doing everything you can and that you will keep people updated as often a physically possible. When the Icelandic ash-cloud grounded hundreds of flights last year, NATS and the Met Office updated their website throughout the day, and told people when they could next get information.

Even if the status hasn’t changed people need to know they’re being talked to. So rather than acting like a wet blanket in order to maintain a shred of pride (which ultimately won’t help you to retain your customers) man up and explain what you’re going to do to win your customers trust back. Honesty and conversation is the only way.

*estimated figure from Sony

Helping to decide where to commit efforts, channelling creativity, connecting the various comms disciplined which must be integrated and interlinked – this is what is crucial to today’s campaigns.

This is a quote that, I think, sums up one of the main difficulties facing people trying to make it in today’s rapidly evolving world of communications.

Taken from Drew Benvie’s blog (managing director, 33 Digital) which you can find here,

I think it goes to show that, no matter what discipline you want to end up in there’s value in gaining as much of a variety of experience as possible.

Your Face Here

I think any piece of Marketing that can be personalised is brilliant.

It first came to my attention when someone sent me a certain interactive advert for Swedish Television licensing – you could basically upload a photo of you (or anyone you like) and watch as you became the hero of the world, praised by TV crews from around the world.

Although the link has now closed (after 45 million views) there is a sequel:

and the advert had paved the way for a number of other thoroughly amusing, and clever, interactive adverts.

Here are two of my recent favourites:

Pop-up love

Here is an example of installation/ pop-up PR from Brando PR Agency.

Pop-up is one of the things that I’m currently in-love with as a PR technique. (as you can probably tell from the Sainsbury’s Tree-top store post) I see Pop-up a bit like a flash-mob, one that is acceptable to consumers as a marketing technique. Not only this, it has a feel of spontaneity that appeals to people who get bored of the day-to-day and the fact that it’s experiential helps new audience to become involved with the brand.

Pop up helps to achieve PR within PR, each company is not only promoting what it’s  done for the specific project, but is also gaining coverage for the brand as a whole, I know it’s an obvious thing to say but I find it so exciting that PR has moved into a realm where this is possible. In this particular case each company get’s to show off a little bit of CSR too.

In the case of this particular piece of PR, Brando describe,  “Unlike the whole pop up trend whereby something just opens up and then closes down leaving a trail of disappointment, this is more like a flash sale. It opens with a bang, everyone gets excited and then leaves you begging for more like a half finished kiss with Johnny Depp.”

I think the whole point of anything Pop-up is that it’s interactive so it gets people talking, and helps a company to reach a wider audience just because people want to be part of the experience. Whatever the pop-up if people like it they will remember it, and if that’s the case the company has gained a new consumer in the long run.

The Future of PR – the brand You

This video was made in 2007 and for the last two minutes advises PR professionals how to start entering the online world of transparency.

Watching the video all I could think is…well yeh, of course… which goes to show how quickly everything’s moving in the world of PR. It’s a demonstration of how important it is to try and stay one step ahead of the game because in 2010 you don’t just need to have uploaded a piece of video to YouTube, you need to have a blog a twitter, a flickr, and everything else in between – the fun thing about it is how much freedom there now is to experiment, to create what you want to create and give it ago. Unless you get it completely wrong it’s only going to reflect well on you.

The point is that you as an individual and a professional, become a transparent, well represented brand.